Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Its been awhile

I started this blog last year with the intention of actually blogging about my purchases, etc.  Well, of course, life happened and I dropped the ball!

See...what had happened was, nah just kidding!  Seriously, though, I stumbled upon Netflix and became obsessed with the documentary section.  I've developed somewhat of an obsession with documentaries related to food and health.  So, these documentaries have literally rocked my world.  I decided for 2013 me and my family are going to eat healthier.  What I mean by that is, we're going to eat more plant based meals.  As Dr. Joel Fuhrman says in his books and practice H=N/C (Health = Nutrients over calories).

Also for 2013 I personally am going to actively practice Yoga.  I have dabbled with it on occasion and have always been fascinated by people who practice regularly.  I am intrigued by the stillness, calmness and happiness that Yogi's claim to have, so I am making it my goal for 2013 to actively practice!

So, this blog is going to be my journal for everything food and health!  I am going to record my recipes and thoughts on them, how they turned out and whether they were a hit or not at the dinner table.

My goal is to look back next year and see where my family and I have traveled with our eating habits, health and spirituality.

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