Friday, December 30, 2011

And this is why we cannot have nice things......

My budding artist feels the need to "express" her creativity on everything!  Nothing is safe from this girl.  Earlier today my husband and I were peeling stickers off doors, the sofa, fridge, carpet...the list goes on and on.
Anyone else have a budding artist in the family?  I am telling you, they are gonna be famous!


  1. Went through that phase here with the resident artist. I reinforced paper over and over and over. Eventually she got it.

  2. Thanks! I know she'll get it… day :-) We just can't leave her any sort of writing utensil out in the same room!

  3. I feel for you! My toddler scribbled pen all over my light brown microfiber couch! It only took 3 hours of scrubbing to get it all off!

  4. Haha! I hear ya! We have a red microfiber couch to help "conceal" the damage :)
